February 13, 2022

Medicofascist mass-formation

“El Rucio” writes on Twitter:

The challenge for those responsible for 2 years of medicofascist lockdown and coercion, now that it is increasingly recognized to have been criminally useless, is to continue rallying their compliant servants against those who did not "follow the rules" –  [cont'd]

even against those who are only now giving up on them, pushing away the fear, not listening anymore, living their lives again. [cont'd]

The psychotic mass-formation is shifting from fear to resentment. The compliant aren't getting any reward beyond a self-satisfaction that is increasingly meaningless. To compensate, they need to see the less compliant punished. [cont'd]

As if everyone has not been punished already for 2 years.) The urgency for those responsible, however, is that more and more people know that /they/ should be punished. [cont'd]

They will go to war, they will destroy the economy, they will continue to destroy people's lives and livelihoods to avoid what is their due. The medicofascists are making their last desperate stand as full-throated fascists to stop that. And so they clinch their fates. [cont'd]

The truth of "The Pandemic" is now clear to all. Or rather, it is now being spoken openly and loudly, and those who did so much harm to people, to civilization itself, can no longer suppress it. The balance of power is shifting back to the people, [cont'd]

who have been openly denigrated and dismissed and mocked and abused by their own governments – and the entire courtier class (cf Gleichschaltung) – since 2016.