February 25, 2016

16 lives: portraits of the 1916 uprising martyrs by David Rooney

Pádraig Pearse
Pádraig Pearse

Thomas Clarke
Thomas Clarke

Thomas MacDonagh
Thomas MacDonagh

Joseph Plunkett
Joseph Plunkett

Ned Daly
Ned Daly

Willie Pearse
Willie Pearse

Michael O’Hanrahan
Michael O’Hanrahan

John MacBride
John MacBride

Éamonn Ceannt
Éamonn Ceannt

Michael Mallin
Michael Malliin

Con Colbert
Con Colbert

Seán Heuston
Seán Heuston

Thomas Kent

Seán MacDiarmada
Seán MacDiarmada

James Connolly
James Connolly

Roger Casement
Roger Casement

February 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s donors

Besides the $125 million taken in by both Clintons for speeches since leaving the White House, including $2.9 milliion by Hillary for 12 speeches at financial firms since leaving the Department of State, and besides the many multi-million-dollar donors to the the Clinton Foundation whose business was affected by Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State (which apparent bribery is currently being investigated by the State Department, while her running the department out of her basement is being investigated by the FBI and Congress), the simple (ignoring the PACs and SuperPACs) funding of Hillary’s current campaign for the Democratic nomination for President is revealing.

According to Open Secrets, at the time of this writing, the proportions of donations to all of the presidential primary candidates from individuals working for various industries that have gone to Clinton are:
  • 54% of all donations from casinos/gambling, 19 times as much as Sanders
  • 35% of all donations from commercial banks, 25 times as much as Sanders
  • 46% of all donations from computer/internet, 4 times as much as Sanders
  • 60% of all donations from education, 5 times as much as Sanders
  • 34% of all donations from health professionals, 7 times as much as Sanders
  • 45% of all donations from health services/HMOs, 9 times as much as Sanders
  • 28% of all donations from hedge funds and private equity, 141 times as much as Sanders
  • 43% of all donations from hospitals/nursing homes, 7 times as much as Sanders
  • 22% of all donations from insurance, 13 times as much as Sanders
  • 62% of all donations from lawyers/law firms, 33 times as much as Sanders
  • 45% of all donations from of donations from lobbyists, 173 times as much as Sanders
  • 11% of all donations from oil and gas (one of the only categories where Clinton is not the top recipient), 16 times as much as Sanders
  • 35% of all donations from pharmaceuticals/health products, 8 times as much as Sanders
  • 31% of all donations from real estate, 20 times as much as Sanders
  • 33% of all donations from securities and investment, 53 times as much as Sanders
  • 38% of all donations from telephone utilities, 11 times as much as Sanders
  • 9% of all donations from tobacco (the other category where Clinton is not the top recipient), none to Sanders
  • 71% of all donations from TV/movies/music, 9 times as much as Sanders
Also according to Open Secrets, 71% of individuals’ donations to the Bernie Sanders campaign are less than $200, whereas for the Hillary Clinton campaign only 17% of individuals’ donations are less than $200.

February 13, 2016

CAILL: lose

Caillim, vl. cailleadh, cailleamh, cailleamhain(t), caill, caillt, p.a. caillte, v. tr. and intr., I lose, spend; I forget; I fail; with ar, neglect, fail disappoint, deceive; in pass., I die, perish, am ruined; do cailleadh é, he died; does not mean “die” in Don.; impers., caillfidh ar a neart, his strength will fail; ba dhóbair cailleamhaint ar a lúth, his limb-power nearly failed; ná caill orm, do not fail me; do chaill a chluasa, his ears failed (Fil.); c. le, I am a loser by, I spend on; chaillis é ná rabhais istigh, you lost a great treat by being out; chailleas é, I lost a good opportunity; c. mo náire, I lose my shame; cailleadh an tsolais, night fall (U.); cailleachaim (rare).

Caillseach, -sighe, -cha, f., an earwig; al. gaillseach.

Caillte, p.a., lost, drenched, ruined, destroyed, dead; very bad, as ba ch. an mhaise agat é, it ill became you to do, etc.; beart ch.. a very mean act; (O’N. also has caillte, dead); táim c. le, I am a loser by; táim c., I am lost, ruined; tá púnt c. agam le, I am a pound at a loss by, I have spent a pound on.

Caillteoir, -ora, -rí, m., a loser, a spender, a spoiler; a waster of time.

—Foclóir Gaedhilge agus Béarla, 1927, by Patrick Dinneen