by Eric Rosenbloom
copyright 2012
Where are you turning toward now? Remember the one that remains You forgot all the names And she rose above the waves |
Where are you turning toward now? Remember the one that remains You forgot all the names And she rose above the waves |
generator | capacity (kW) | winter | summer |
MA: | |||
BARNSTABLE_DPW_ID1545 | 200 | 80 (40%) | 14 (7%) |
BERKSHIRE WIND POWER PROJECT | 15000 | 6988 (46.6%) | 1704 (11.4%) |
CITY OF MEDFORD WIND QF | 100 | 0 | 0 |
HULL WIND TURBINE II | 1800 | 458 (25.4%) | 52 (2.3%) |
HULL WIND TURBINE U5 | 660 | 180 (27.3%) | 46 (7.0%) |
IPSWICH WIND FARM 1 | 1600 | 342 (21.4%) | 125 (7.8%) |
JIMINY PEAK WIND QF | 1500 | 0 | 0 |
MOUNT ST MARY-WRENTHAM MA WIND | 100 | 4 (4.0%) | 2 (2.0%) |
NM-STONE | 600 | 6 (1%) | 0 |
NOTUS WIND I | 1650 | 500 (30.3%) | 187 (11.3%) |
OTIS_AF_WIND_TURBINE | 1500 | 199 (13.3%) | 125 (8.3%) |
OTIS_WT_AFCEE_ID1692 | 1500 | 1200 (80%) | 1200 (80%) |
PRINCETON WIND FARM PROJECT | 3000 | 582 (19.4%) | 157 (52.3%) |
TEMPLETON WIND TURBINE | 1650 | 401 (24.3%) | 74 (4.5%) |
TOWN_OF_FALMOUTH_WIND_TURBINE | 1650 | 133 (8.1%) | 6 (0.4%) |
ME: | |||
BEAVER RIDGE WIND | 4500 | 1240 (27.6%) | 466 (10.4%) |
FOX ISLAND WIND | 4500 | 159 (3.5%) | 0 |
KIBBY WIND POWER | 132000 | 34590 (26.2%) | 13375 (10.1%) |
ROLLINS WIND PLANT | 60000 | 20860 (34.8%) | 6207 (10.3%) |
SPRUCE MOUNTAIN WIND | 19000 | 9000 (47.4%) | 4500 (23.7%) |
STETSON II WIND FARM | 25500 | 6740 (26.4%) | 2602 (10.2%) |
STETSON WIND FARM | 57000 | 15725 (27.6%) | 7056 (12.4%) |
NH: | |||
LEMPSTER WIND | 24000 | 8518 (35.5%) | 2457 (10.2%) |
RI: | |||
TOWN OF PORTSMOUTH RI WIND QF | 1500 | 159 (10.6%) | 178 (11.9%) |
VT: | |||
SEARSBURG WIND (listed in Mass.) | 6600 | 900 (13.6%) | 202 (3.1%) |
SHEFFIELD WIND PLANT | 40000 | 17000 (42.5%) | 10000 (25.0%) |
TOTAL WIND | 459420 | 125964 (27.4%) | 50735 (11.0%) |
Every year, the State Department issues reports on individual rights in other countries, monitoring the passage of restrictive laws and regulations around the world. Iran, for example, has been criticized for denying fair public trials and limiting privacy, while Russia has been taken to task for undermining due process. Other countries have been condemned for the use of secret evidence and torture.And the week before (and appearing in our local paper this past Sunday), John Tirman wrote "Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?":
Even as we pass judgment on countries we consider unfree, Americans remain confident that any definition of a free nation must include their own — the land of free. Yet, the laws and practices of the land should shake that confidence. In the decade since Sept. 11, 2001, this country has comprehensively reduced civil liberties in the name of an expanded security state. The most recent example of this was the National Defense Authorization Act, signed Dec. 31, which allows for the indefinite detention of citizens. At what point does the reduction of individual rights in our country change how we define ourselves? ...
Americans often proclaim our nation as a symbol of freedom to the world while dismissing nations such as Cuba and China as categorically unfree. Yet, objectively, we may be only half right. Those countries do lack basic individual rights such as due process, placing them outside any reasonable definition of “free,” but the United States now has much more in common with such regimes than anyone may like to admit.
These countries also have constitutions that purport to guarantee freedoms and rights. But their governments have broad discretion in denying those rights and few real avenues for challenges by citizens — precisely the problem with the new laws in this country.
The list of powers acquired by the U.S. government since 9/11 puts us in rather troubling company.
Assassination of U.S. citizens ... Indefinite detention ... Arbitrary justice ... Warrantless searches ... Secret evidence ... War crimes ... Secret court ... Immunity from judicial review ... Continual monitoring of citizens ... Extraordinary renditions ...
As the United States officially ended the war in Iraq last month, President Obama spoke eloquently at Fort Bragg, N.C., lauding troops for “your patriotism, your commitment to fulfill your mission, your abiding commitment to one another,” and offering words of grief for the nearly 4,500 members of the U.S. armed forces who died in Iraq. He did not, however, mention the sacrifices of the Iraqi people.
This inattention to civilian deaths in America’s wars isn’t unique to Iraq. There’s little evidence that the American public gives much thought to the people who live in the nations where our military interventions take place. Think about the memorials on the Mall honoring American sacrifices in Korea and Vietnam. These are powerful, sacred spots, but neither mentions the people of those countries who perished in the conflicts.
The major wars the United States has fought since the surrender of Japan in 1945 — in Korea, Indochina, Iraq and Afghanistan — have produced colossal carnage. For most of them, we do not have an accurate sense of how many people died, but a conservative estimate is at least 6 million civilians and soldiers. ...
Why the American silence on our wars’ main victims? Our self-image, based on what cultural historian Richard Slotkin calls “the frontier myth” — in which righteous violence is used to subdue or annihilate the savages of whatever land we’re trying to conquer — plays a large role. For hundreds of years, the frontier myth has been one of America’s sturdiest national narratives.
When the challenges from communism in Korea and Vietnam appeared, we called on these cultural tropes to understand the U.S. mission overseas. The same was true for Iraq and Afghanistan, with the news media and politicians frequently portraying Islamic terrorists as frontier savages. By framing each of these wars as a battle to civilize a lawless culture, we essentially typecast the local populations as theIndians of our North American conquest. As the foreign policy maven Robert D. Kaplan wrote on the Wall Street Journal op-ed page in 2004, “The red Indian metaphor is one with which a liberal policy nomenklatura may be uncomfortable, but Army and Marine field officers have embraced it because it captures perfectly the combat challenge of the early 21st century.”
Politicians tend to speak in broader terms, such as defending Western values, or simply refer to resistance fighters as terrorists, the 21st-century word for savages. Remember the military’s code name for the raid of Osama bin Laden’s compound? It was Geronimo. ...
Perhaps the most compelling explanation for indifference, though, taps into our beliefs about right and wrong. More than 30 years ago, social psychologists developed the “just world” theory, which argues that humans naturally assume that the world should be orderly and rational. When that “just world” is disrupted, we tend to explain away the event as an aberration. For example, when encountering a beggar on the street, a common reaction is indifference or even anger, in the belief that no one should go hungry in America.
This explains much of our response to the violence in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. When the wars went badly and violence escalated, Americans tended to ignore or even blame the victims. The public dismissed the civilians because their high mortality rates, displacement and demolished cities were discordant with our understandings of the missions and the U.S. role in the world.
It should be clear to everyone by now that crude numerical growth does not solve our problems of unemployment, welfare, crime, traffic, filth, noise, squalor, the pollution of air, the corruption of our politics, the debasement of the school system (hardly worthy of the name ‘education’), and the general loss of popular control over the political process—where money, not people, is now the determining factor.Today, 24 years later, virtually every word of Abbey’s statement is truer than ever, yet politicians and economic theologians continue to preach that if we can just grow the economy (local, state, national, and world) then all will be well again. You need not look far or deeply to see how wrong they are and what price we’ll pay when the Devil comes looking for our collective souls.
Even though economies are still growing, and still put growth in first place, it is no longer economic growth, at least in wealthy countries, but has become uneconomic growth. In other words, the environmental and social costs of increased production are growing faster than the benefits, increasing “illth” faster than wealth, thereby making us poorer, not richer. We hide the uneconomic nature of growth from ourselves by faulty national accounting because growth is our panacea, indeed our idol, and we are very afraid of the idea of a steady-state economy. The increasing illth is evident in exploding financial debt, in biodiversity loss, and in destruction of natural services, most notably climate regulationClick here to go to the complete essay.