February 17, 2010

Pierpont, peer review, and expert witnesses

If I may jump in here as an editor of medical journals, I would just like to note that single case reports and case series are a major part of their content. That is how information is shared. When the authors are noticing something new (or more often, noticing something in a new way), they are clear about the limitations of a case series for making conclusive statements. For example, this is from an article I read last week about a new surgical technique:
It is important to note that there are limitations to our study, primarily because it is a case series. Therefore, we have no comparison group and there may be selection bias, though we attempted to minimize this by reviewing our entire endoscopic database and selecting all patients who underwent this procedure, not just a subset. Although this is the largest series presented to date, it still comprises only 12 patients, all of whom were seen at a single GI referral center with expertise in esophageal dilation and treatment of esophageal strictures. Therefore, the results may not be generalizable to other settings.
Those "limitations" did not prevent it from being published in a peer-reviewed journal. They are normal.

Nina Pierpont notes the limitations of her work (pp. 124-125): interview-only and limited medical records, comparison by memory, inaccurate reporting by subjects, English-only, small sample, limited follow-up. (She also describes how she endeavored to minimize each these effects.) On page 123, she notes the research that needs to be done to more definitively describe the syndrome, risk factors, and mechanisms. (Another limitation, mentioned in the text (p. 39-40), is that "participation by Americans was limited by non-medical factors such as turbine leases or neighbor contracts prohibiting criticism, court decisions restricting criticism of turbine projects, and community relationships".)

It is important to note that authors typically suggest the reviewers for their papers. It is not adversarial, as detractors seem to imply. Successful peer review just means you've been able to hold up your end of the conversation, not that you've slain all skeptics. It is more a process of refining the paper, as I believe Pierpont did with her panel of reviewers (and why in part it took so long to get into print), whose reports are on pp. 287-292. In turn, most journals also include a lively letters section in which the real peer review is shown to begin after publication.

Choosing the most effective expert witness must of course be done according to each case's focus and strategy, but I dare say, opposing counsel would have a lot harder time undercutting Pierpont's work than they would that of most "peer-reviewed experts".

In other words, "peer reviewed" is not a defense. Conversely, lack of one form of peer review (that for journal publication) is not much of a charge. A court room is perhaps the ultimate peer review.

These comments are in response to some of the reactions to Wind Turbine Syndrome that have been written. There is no question of WTS, whether you call it that or not. There remain questions of mechanism, but not of cause. And determining its extent and risk requires large epidemiologic studies. These are not criticisms. Pierpont says them herself. That is the process of science.

If only more people in power were so skeptical about wind industry claims!

February 12, 2010

Adam and the Queen of Eden


by Eric Rosenbloom
copyright 2010

One day while strolling to take the air,
Sir Adam spied a garden fair
        Its keeper called
        He was enthralled
With Eve at home atearing her hair.

He entered on her invitation
Flattered by her fine flirtation
        And there he stayed
        With the merry maid
His life now and ever a boon vacation.

But dragons keep from him a tree
Where golden fruit would often be
        Athought of gifts
        His sword he lifts
And gathers food, Lilith to see.

But Lilith the maid is not to be found,
Her garden is withered to the ground
        The fruit of his shame
        He brings the same
To Eve — who with Cain has moved to town.

Misses Monahan (a poem)


by Eric Rosenbloom
copyright 2010

Are you not the son of Manannan Mac Lir?
The queen Etain? Have you not already fought
The hosts arrayed against you, won the hearts of kings
And people? Wake! child! your fate is rising before you.
Shuffle the deck and read the signs once more.
The gateways that have brought you here have fallen
Away, and you are at the origins of something new.
You have fasted in the tomb of rebirth —
Wake now to the light that shines before us,
The spring is in your stepping through the door,
It nourishes the earth, and we sing the song from your lips
That shape our morning and lead us where you will.

February 3, 2010

Mother Turbine

Mother turbine gives birth to industrialization of Backbone Mountain, West Virginia.

January 31, 2010

Ecopsychology, solastalgia, nature-guilt

Daniel Smith has written an article in today's New York Times Magazine about the psychologic relationship of humans and the rest of the natural world, particularly that part not altered by humans: "Is there an ecological unconscious?". While recognizing the benefits of reconnecting with the earth and the mental toll of environmental degradation, one should also consider that we are indeed somewhat apart from nature and therein lies the nub of the problem. Nature mocks us and reminds us of our crimes against her, many of which, to a modest degree, are necessary for our survival. A proper humility is in order, and a conscious effort to do the least harm (such as by the concept of "ahimsa") would help us as well as the rest of nature. But the human mind's coping devices tend to become their own reason for being, and our natural relationship is replaced by the rites of displacing our guilt.

This aspect of our natural/unnatural mind was written about in my 1996 essay "Nature-Guilt".

January 29, 2010

Richest nation in the world

According to a new analysis by the Brookings Institution, almost one-third of the nation (91.6 million people) was "poor" in 2008, i.e., with income at or below 200% of the official poverty threshold. More than two-fifths (39.1 million) of those individuals lived in "poverty". Data for 2009 are not yet available, but they are sure to be worse.

2008-2009 poverty thresholds:  $10,830 for single person, $14,570 for couple, $18,310 for family of 3, $22,050 for family of 4

200% of poverty thresholds ("poor"):  $21,660 for single person, $29,140 for couple, $36,620 for family of 3, $44,100 for family of 4

January 23, 2010

How to Wreck a Presidency

David Michael Green writes at Counterpunch:

There’s only one political party in the entire world that is so inept, cowardly and bungling that it could manage to simultaneously lick the boots of Wall Street bankers and then get blamed by the voters for being flaming revolutionary socialists.

It’s the same party that has allowed the opposition to go on a thirty year scorched earth campaign, stealing everything in sight from middle and working class voters, and yet successfully claim to be protecting ‘real Americans’ from out-of-touch elites.

It’s the same party that could run a decorated combat hero against a war evader in 1972, only to be successfully labeled as national security wimps.

Just to be sure, it then did the exact same thing again in 2004.

It’s the same party that stood by silently while two presidential elections in a row were stolen away from them.

How ’bout dem Dems, eh?

One year ago today, there was real question as to what could possibly be the future of the Republican Party in America. That’s changed a bit now.

And, speaking of ‘change’, the one kind that Barack Obama did actually deliver this year was not that which most voters had in mind after listening to him use the word incessantly, all throughout 2008. Obama and his colleagues have now managed to bring the future of the Democratic Party into question, just a year after it won two smashing victories in a row. ...

[click here to read entire essay]