According to Open Secrets, at the time of this writing, the proportions of donations to all of the presidential primary candidates from individuals working for various industries that have gone to Clinton are:
- 54% of all donations from casinos/gambling, 19 times as much as Sanders
- 35% of all donations from commercial banks, 25 times as much as Sanders
- 46% of all donations from computer/internet, 4 times as much as Sanders
- 60% of all donations from education, 5 times as much as Sanders
- 34% of all donations from health professionals, 7 times as much as Sanders
- 45% of all donations from health services/HMOs, 9 times as much as Sanders
- 28% of all donations from hedge funds and private equity, 141 times as much as Sanders
- 43% of all donations from hospitals/nursing homes, 7 times as much as Sanders
- 22% of all donations from insurance, 13 times as much as Sanders
- 62% of all donations from lawyers/law firms, 33 times as much as Sanders
- 45% of all donations from of donations from lobbyists, 173 times as much as Sanders
- 11% of all donations from oil and gas (one of the only categories where Clinton is not the top recipient), 16 times as much as Sanders
- 35% of all donations from pharmaceuticals/health products, 8 times as much as Sanders
- 31% of all donations from real estate, 20 times as much as Sanders
- 33% of all donations from securities and investment, 53 times as much as Sanders
- 38% of all donations from telephone utilities, 11 times as much as Sanders
- 9% of all donations from tobacco (the other category where Clinton is not the top recipient), none to Sanders
- 71% of all donations from TV/movies/music, 9 times as much as Sanders